Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 4, 5, 6.

Day 4,5,6: When people are in deep sleep they hate being waken up by someone calling their name. This morning my mom woke me up. I hate waking up to hear her calling me. I was having a good dream. I feel that better would have a better sleep it they had to wake up at around 7:30 for school. I don't mind going to school that much but I absolutely hate the waking up part. I at least had a okay breakfast. I justed hated feeling rush. My mornings reminded me of a race to the bus. Who would get to the bus stop first me or my arch nemisis the bus driver. Well I luckily won today and beat the bus driver. On the bus I usually sit quietly and wish today was over and think of how many hours I have. I had around 8 hours and 23 minutes till I would be at home. It was good that it was finally Friday. The only thing I can say I hated about Friday was that on Sunday I would wish I would rather be at school. The school day suprisingly went by fast and I remember going on the bus then arriving home. Well I guess my luck has been turning. I was asleep by 9:00pm. The weekend was good. On Saturday it snowed which was fun. That day I went to the gym and decided to go swimming with my little brother Scott. My brother and I were having one of our activities called"under water fights." The name of it pretty much explains everything. We wouuld fight eachother under water and throw punches, kicks, etc. It was fun because nobody ever got hurt. The worst that would happen is one of us would accidently swim into something andd get hit. Well the gym I go to isn't so bad. They have a basketball court, yoga classes, pool, a steam room, a track, and a working out area. Well on Sunday I pretty much relaxed and was thinking a lot about Christmas coming. Soon I would get the game I have wanted to get for months. The game was "Assassins Creed 3." Chances are that you have seen the commercials on t.v. I was a little worried about getting the game. I play pc games and I have to make a test to see if the game can run on my computer. The test said it could not. The good thing is that there are a lot of games that I have that can't run on my computer because I don't have the requirements. I would turn down the quality and it runs and works fine. If I kept the high quality then the game work be slow or lag. The bad thing is I don't think I would be able to turn down the quality on the game. I have been doing research so I don't end up getting a game that I regret getting. My father told me if he bought it on Amazon he would not return it. I feel that it is best if I bought online so the price is a little cheaper. The price at Walmart, Gamestop, and Best Buy is 60 dollars. On Amazon it is 40 dollars. That is not bad for a game that got a "Game of the year." This game came out 2 months ago and 40 dollars isn't that bad compared to what it could cost. Well I was luckily able to go to bed at 9:30pm. I was able to stay up a little later because there was a new Family Guy episode. It was a funny episode. I have been a big Family Guy fan since I was in the 6th grade. Well when I went to bed and just said to myself "Oh, crap tomorrow is Monday."

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