Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 9 Week 2

I normally forget my dreams. Last night I had a dream I was at Logan Airport,the airport I was going to go tomorrow. In the dream I wanted to go to the funeral for my grandpa to say good bye. Sadly I could not go and made my mom late for her flight. She said to me in the dream "Jon what will you do with your life?" I didn't answer and woke up. It was around 7 when I woke up. I knew I wouldn't go to school today. I got on my computer and played games for a while and thought of my grandpa a lot. I saw the dark knight rises again and thought of him a lot. At 10 we traveled to Boston to get my mother on a plane to New Jersey. When she arrived in New Jersey she would go straight to Panama. We arrived at the airport at 11 and left at around noon. I almost cried but I decided not to. I was done crying. My mother would be gone for one week. The next day should would be at her father's funeral burying her father. I wish I could go. I wrote a letter that my mother would read there. My brother drew a picture. No offense but I thought drawing a picture is stupid. IT IS A FUNERAL! NOBODY GIVES A DAMN ABOUT SOME PICTURE! I expected my brother to know better. He was 13 years old. What would they do with it hang it on the fridge. When we left the airport I remembered the last time I went to Panama. I was in the 8th grade. It was amazing. I went there and it was heaven. I loved that airport. Once I arrived home I played on my computer. I played video games and checked my facebook a couple times. At the end of the day I remember I had school. School would be tough but I would live. I remembered it could be worse.

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