Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 7 Week 2

Day 7 Week 2:  I honestly can't stand my mother saying "Jon time to get up and get ready for school." Well at least it is better than a alarm clock. I had to oranges and a bannana for breakfast. I know not the big and best breakfast you would expect a 16 year old to have. I made my way onto the bus on time for once. I rested and remember wishing that I don't want to sit next to anybody. It is not that I had anybody it is just I am too tired to get into a conversation. I ended up sitting next to this girl who likes me. It was a awkward bus ride. Immediately once she sat down she started asking me questions. I just stayed calm and answered them. I didn't want to be a cold person and say "Dude just shut up it is 6:30." I couldn't wait to get off the bus. When I was at school at talked to a friend of mine I hadn't talked to in a couple days. It was Emily. All we did was just mess around on her iPad. Wow what a intresting little device. First period I checked the weather and was a little disappointed. It wouldn't snow for the next 10 days. I expected more and more snow. I really hoped it would snow soon. I wanted to hit my brother with a snow ball like I did on Saturday. Well that period I worked a bit on my blog and a bit on my wikki. My teacher didn't seem so good. I think he is getting the flu. At the end of that period I went to Expository Writing. I saw a movie called "the great debaters." It isn't that bad. The period after ,American History, we just worked in the text book. It was boring but oh well. At least my hard work would show in the progress reports coming next wednesday. In study I sat and worked on the computer. I was looking forward to going to lunch. I was starving. In my lunch I packed popcorn,chips,and a soda. It is a okay lunch. The rest of the day wasn't too bad. Once I arrived at my house I played video games and went to bed.

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