Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 2

Day 2: Last night I went to bed a found myself waking up 2 times. I felt tired but ended up waking up. My sleep was okay but in the morning I was tired. When I woke I had my usual breakfast and didn't get in a arguement with my mom. I am very happy about that because I love my mother deeply and hate getting in arguements. Once I was in the bathroom putting on my clothes and putting on my contacts I remembered I had none. Wow that stinks. So now I have to wait 3 days to get a new order. For the next 3 days I will be blind. I don't have glasses anymore. Well once I arrived on the bus to school I sat with my best friend London. I have known her for around a year. She believes I have known her for 2 years but I am happy that I am her friend. The only thing I can say I don't like about her is how narrow minded she can be but I try not to get in the way. Once I arrived at school at met up with my other best friend Emily. Emily is very kind but unfortunately she doesn't try that hard in school. I do my best to not say anything and be a cold person. Although I sometimes feel that I am a cold person mainly due to some random comments I say. Well I hadn't seen Emily in days so I felt we had to catch up a bit. She told me about how her job at "Burger King" has been. She hates her job there mainly due to some of customers. She told me one day about how some kid from our school came in and poured ketchup on all the chairs. Well that is sort of funny but also kind of crappy to do to somebody. She had to clean it up and found herself sick of her job. I guess if I were in her shoes I would feel the same way. The bell had rang and she walked me to my class and we said our goodbye's and went to first period. I was in my I.C.T. class. This class is a computer class it is sort of fun and could be easy. Sadly I have failed the class 2 times and have had to take it again. Well both those times I had a lot of trouble but luckily this year I am on the right page and am doing a good job. Well I found myself thinking about music a lot. I was thinking about different generes of music and different musicians. I mainly thought and questioned why some musicians are famous. Like Beyonce, Rhianna, etc. I honestly never really understood why because all there music has the most pointless lyrics. A lot of those artists have numerous amount of writers who help them write their music. In my opinion that isn't a real musician. I believe to be a musician you have to be somewhat a poet. A great example of one is the band "Nirvana." Although they don't really exist anymore because the lead singer Kurt Cobain shot himself they still were good. His lyrics were amazing and that is one of the reasons why they are my favorite band. I feel that if they were still a band today they would change the world. People were in love with them but at the same time people hated them. It was sort of how people think of Justin Bieber. Well not as many people hated "Nirvana." My favorite song by them is probably "All Apoligizes." The song is really intresting and always makes me listen to it more. Well my second period we talked about advertizing. I don't exacly know why I guess it was for a assignment. I ended up getting in a arguement with some girl because I asked a question. I got angry and just went to guidance. I guess my promblem was I am so sarcastic, immature, and vulnerable. I am so sarcatic and always find myself doing the dumbest stuff for no apparent reason. I hate that bout myself and I guess that's why my father looks at me like a slacker and a trouble maker. He is always telling me to grow up. In guidance I talked about that. When I went to third period I was a little late but was in a better mood and was happy I could talk to someone. I was a little excited because later I could talk to my friend Serena I mentioned in my last post. She is very open to talk to. Well I had lunch after and for pretty much the rest of the day I relaxed and went to bed.

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