Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 1

Day 1: Today I woke up in a okay mood. I got in a dumb arguement with my mom. It was because there were no more cerial bowls. It is pretty stupid. My mom has always loved me but annoyed me at times. I came to school a little upset and tired. I am honestly tired of the same things in my life. I hate going to school always wanting a girlfriend. It is so depressing seeing couples everywhere I go. It seems I am always stuck in the "Friend Zone." Well at least first period was some fun we are working on a blog. In second period we were debating on these random questions. We were in expository class. The class is okay but some people are just very annoying but I do my best to accept them and let them do what they want. It was an okay class period. Some of the responses and opinions on those questions were intresting. Third period I was learning about America and how oil and steel mills were made. It was intresting at times but very dull at other times. That class is called American History. My teacher is pretty nice and easy to get along with. Well the class went by sort of fast. My fourth period class is a directed studies class. The teachers in there help you with your homework and help you pull your grades up. My first time in directed studies I felt as smart as a retarted monkey. To me the class was a class for dumb kids who had a bad attitude towards school. Well that is still sort of true. Some of the kids in the class are really behind and deserve to be in there.Well the period after that I went to the library and had a intresting convesation with my friend Serena. She talked about her struggles with a condition she had. It just so happened that I have the same one. Serena is a intresting girl with a intresting story. I can talk to her all day. Well after that I had lunch. Lunch was okay and normal. Well the last periods were somewhat okay but made me tired. By the time I arrived home I did my homework and went to bed by 5:30. Well what I day.

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